This page hosts a compilation of links leading to pages, documents, articles, and videos pertinent to various Labii topics. Our database is regularly enhanced with new features, ensuring ongoing updates to our content. If you observe any absence of information, kindly reach out to us, and we will swiftly incorporate it into our database.
Adding new records, managing records for each table and project, and viewing each record in detail.
The following resources provide information about managing users and permissions.
The following resources provide information about configuring the platform to meet your research needs.
Dashboard widgets are widgets that can be installed on the dashboard. With dashboard widgets, you can get an overview of your research data.
Name | Landing pages | Documentaiton | Blogs | Videos |
Storage Audit | Dashboard widgets -> Reports -> Audit -> Storage Audit |
Column widgets are associated with columns used for defining and customizing structured data. They are similar to the data types in MySQL, but are more powerful in that functions can be attached.
Section type widgets are the functions associate with a section in the detail of a record. They are used to manipulate unstructured data.
Applications of Labii ELN & LIMS.
General functions.
Name | Landing pages | Documentaiton | Blogs | Videos |
Data backup | 1. Settings -> Backups 2. API -> Backups | |||
Notifications | Notifications | |||
Dashboard | Dashboard | |||
Calendar | Calendar | |||
Accounts | My Profile |
Labii bietet eine vollständige Palette von Labordigitalisierungsdiensten an, die von einzelnen Datenerfassungstools wie ELN und LIMS über Prozessoptimierung bis hin zur umfassenden vollständigen Labordigitalisierung reichen.